
Ultimate Type A Bride Guide by JTorry – Expert Planning Tips

The Ultimate Guide About Type A Brides

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Type A Brides: Desires, Demands, and Dream Wedding

Alright, let’s get real about Type A brides. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re either a Type A bride yourself, planning a wedding with one, or just curious about what makes these organized mavens tick. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of spreadsheets, vision boards, and perfectly coordinated color schemes.

What’s the Deal with Type A Brides Anyway?

First things first – let’s bust this myth wide open. Being a Type A bride doesn’t mean you’re a bridezilla. It means you give a damn about your big day. And honestly? That’s awesome.

Type A brides, you’re the ones with:

  • Color-coded wedding binders thicker than your future wedding album
  • Pinterest boards so organized they could make Marie Kondo weep
  • A timeline for your wedding day that NASA would envy

And guess what? That’s not a bad thing. Not even close.

Myth-Busting: What Type A Brides Are Really Like

It’s time for some serious myth-busting. Let’s tackle these Type A bride stereotypes head-on and set the record straight.

Myth 1: Type A Brides Are Control Freaks

Reality Check: Type A brides aren’t trying to control everything; they’re trying to ensure everything runs smoothly. There’s a big difference!

What It Really Means: These brides have a clear vision and the organizational skills to make it happen. They’re not controlling; they’re proactive.

Myth 2: Type A Brides Are Bridezillas

Reality Check: Being organized and detail-oriented doesn’t make you a bridezilla. It makes you efficient!

What It Really Means: Type A brides are passionate about their wedding, not obsessive. They care deeply about creating a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Myth 3: Type A Brides Can’t Go With the Flow

Reality Check: Having a plan doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible. In fact, Type A brides are often better at handling unexpected situations.

What It Really Means: These brides are prepared for Plan B (and C and D) because they’ve thought through various scenarios. They can pivot gracefully when needed.

Myth 4: Type A Brides Are All About Perfection

Reality Check: It’s not about perfection; it’s about bringing a vision to life.

What It Really Means: Type A brides understand that perfection is subjective. They’re focused on creating a day that perfectly represents their love story, not on achieving some impossible standard.

Myth 5: Type A Brides Are High-Maintenance

Reality Check: Being clear about what you want isn’t being high-maintenance; it’s being a good communicator.

What It Really Means: These brides make life easier for vendors and the wedding party by providing clear directions and expectations. That’s not high-maintenance; that’s helpful!

Myth 6: Type A Brides Don’t Trust Their Vendors

Reality Check: Type A brides often trust their vendors more, not less.

What It Really Means: These brides do their research and choose vendors they trust implicitly. Their detailed plans and communication style are about collaboration, not micromanagement.

Myth 7: Type A Brides Are Always Stressed

Reality Check: Being organized actually reduces stress, it doesn’t create it.

What It Really Means: Type A brides often enjoy the planning process because they have systems in place to manage the workload. They’re not frazzled; they’re in their element!

The Real Desires of a Type A Bride

Now that we’ve cleared the air, let’s talk desires. What does a Type A bride really want?

  1. A Vision Brought to Life: You’ve dreamed about this day, and you want it to be perfect. Not because you’re demanding, but because you care.
  2. Vendors Who Get It: You’re not looking to micromanage. You want pros who understand your vision and can run with it.
  3. Peace of Mind: Your detailed plans? They’re not about control. They’re about knowing everything’s handled so you can actually enjoy your day.
  4. A Stress-Free Experience: Contrary to popular belief, you’re not trying to stress everyone out. You’re trying to eliminate stress by being prepared.
The “Demands” That Aren’t Really Demands

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room – the so-called “demands” of a Type A bride.

  • Clear Communication: You’re not being picky; you’re being clear. There’s a difference.
  • Attention to Detail: It’s not about being controlling; it’s about making sure nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Timely Responses: You’re not impatient; you’re just trying to keep things moving smoothly.

Here’s the truth: these aren’t demands. They’re the hallmarks of someone who knows what they want and isn’t afraid to go after it. And that’s something to celebrate, not criticize.

Crafting the Dream Wedding: A Type A Approach

So, how does a Type A bride turn her dreams into reality? Let’s break it down:

  1. The Master Plan: Your wedding binder is your bible. Embrace it. Love it. Let it guide you.
  2. Vendor Dream Team: Choose vendors who appreciate your organization. Trust me, we love brides who know what they want.
  3. Delegation Station: You’re great at planning, but you don’t have to do it all. Delegate tasks to your squad and trust them to deliver.
  4. Flexibility is Key: Yes, you can be Type A and flexible. When things don’t go exactly to plan (because, life), take a deep breath and pivot.
  5. Self-Care Central: Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process. All the planning in the world won’t matter if you’re too stressed to enjoy it.
Real Talk from a Vendor Who Gets It

As a makeup artist with 18 years in the wedding industry, let me tell you – Type A brides are often a dream to work with. Why? Because you know what you want, you communicate it clearly, and you appreciate expertise.

Remember the time a bride came to me with a 50-page inspo book? Some might call that “too much.” I call it “totally prepared.” We created a look so stunning it ended up in magazines. Details matter, and you’re the queen of them!

The Type A Bride Manifesto

It’s time to rewrite the script on Type A brides. Repeat after me:

  • I’m not high-maintenance; I’m high-standards.
  • I’m not controlling; I’m clear about my vision.
  • I’m not difficult; I’m dedicated to making my dream a reality.
Bringing It All Together: Your Dream Wedding

Here’s the bottom line: Your attention to detail, your clear vision, and your organizational skills are superpowers. They’re the secret ingredients to a wedding day that runs smoothly and feels magical.

So, what does being a Type A bride really mean? It means you’re:

  • Passionate about creating a meaningful celebration
  • Skilled at organization and planning
  • Clear and effective in your communication
  • Prepared for various scenarios
  • Respectful of others’ time and expertise
  • Engaged and present throughout the planning process
  • Capable of bringing a detailed vision to life

Type A brides, embrace who you are. Your dream wedding isn’t just about the perfect centerpieces or the precisely timed sparkler exit (though those are great too). It’s about creating a day that authentically represents you and your partner.

You’re not “too much.” You’re passionate, visionary, and absolutely perfect just the way you are. Now, go out there and plan the wedding of your dreams – spreadsheets, color-coded tabs, and all. Your vendors (and your future self) will thank you.

Remember, being Type A isn’t about stress or control. It’s about creating a beautiful, meaningful celebration where you can relax and enjoy every perfectly planned moment. And isn’t that what a dream wedding is all about?

Bringing It All Together: Your Dream Wedding

Remember, being Type A isn’t about stress or control. It’s about creating a beautiful, meaningful celebration where you can relax and enjoy every perfectly planned moment. And isn’t that what a dream wedding is all about?

If you’re ready to work with a bridal artist who truly gets you – someone who understands your vision, appreciates your attention to detail, and can bring your dream look to life – I’m here to help. As a makeup artist with 18 years of experience working with brides just like you, I know how to turn your perfectly planned vision into a stunning reality.

Ready to start creating your dream bridal look? Contact jtorry today. Together, we’ll make sure you look and feel absolutely amazing on your big day. Because you deserve a makeup artist who’s as dedicated to your vision as you are.

Let’s make your Type A dreams come true, one perfectly applied brush stroke at a time!


About Me

Top Bridal Makeup Artist | JTorry Professional Services

Hey Beautiful

I’m Jenny Torry, CEO of JTorry Academy, a Professional Makeup Artist, Educator & Hair Stylist who strives to make you feel beautiful through knowledge and experience.

She is a mother who always teaches people how to become successful.

Welcome to the Jtorry Page. Here you will find tips from 14 years of professional makeup & hair artist.


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